
Monday, August 30, 2010

Big B harassed by follower on his blog

Amitabh Bachchan was probably the first most sincere celebrity blogger in Bollywood who used the platform to connect with his fans and update them on his activities, thoughts and interact with them regularly. No wonder then that he had innumerable followers who would start their day with reading what the revered Big B had to say.

But apparently there was one errant follower who used the ability to comment on the blog to vent out his negativity. He would leave derogatory remarks that would cross the line of decency and were abusive. Big B mentions in his blog, "There is a serious effort by a member that writes and comments on this blog to use language and expression that is abusive, filthy and utterly disgusting." The unrelenting person would even send messages that were downright vulgar on Big B's phone and provoked the star to take corrective measures.

Amitabh Bachchan reported the matter to the authorities and now any attempt from this miscreant would come under legal cyber space action.

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